Graddy is my schoonmoeder (my mother in law). At 93 she has the most amazing memory.
Born in 1929, she was raised in Holland during the global depression and experienced Nazi occupied Holland during WW two then allied liberation as a teenager.

As the eldest daughter living in the household, cultural traditions required her to take on the roll of the housekeeper, coping with the demands of her siblings, a mother who was ill and a stepfather with little compassion.

At 19 she met Peter the love of her life whom she married when she was 21. Against family wishes two weeks later they emigrated to Australia thinking they would never see Holland again.
The resilience of Australia as a country is built on stories like Graddy and Peter’s who by pure determination built their lives, families and businesses by overcoming the challenges thrown at them.
Peter and Graddy raised ten children built a successful business and contributed much to the country they proudly call home. Graddy’s immediate family now totals 72 including 23 grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren, and yes returned to Holland five times.

There are 11 episodes in total, they were recorded in January 2023 in Graddy’s dining room by my wife Judy (her eldest daughter) and me. Occasionally throughout the recordings Graddy will refer to “you” that should be taken as Judy.
On that note Dutch vocal pronunciations have some inconsistencies when translated to english “J” being one, as an example Graddy may pronounce Judy as Yudy, you will notice this with other words and sounds throughout.
Leave a comment it will make Graddy’s day and ask as many questions as you want.
Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4

Episode 5

Episode 6

Episode 7

Episode 8

Episode 9

Episode 10

Episode 11